Sunday 7 September 2014

Welcome Back

Welcome Back

I hope that you all had a fantastic summer, the children are back looking clean and shiny, and are working hard - it already feels like we have been back weeks!
We are now settling into the new school year and that the children are looking forward to having the additional responsibilities that Year 6 brings, such as being school monitors and house captains. Alongside this, there will be exciting new challenges and plenty of hard work. To help the children with their maths, it is important that they know their tables up to x12 and that they are practised regularly. For literacy, the children should read for at least 20 minutes every night and learn spelling rules thoroughly; children will have receive a list of their spellings each week and these should be kept safe for easy reference. Don’t forget: these will be tested each week! 
Homework will be set for both maths and literacy each week and children are expected to spend thirty minutes on it. 
We have lots of exciting events happening throughout the term, and we are all looking forward to learning all the interesting topics that are planned this term.

If you have any questions or concerns then do not hesitate to come and speak to us, write a message in your child's homework diary or arrange an appointment via the office.

I am looking forward to a successful and fun year!

Mr Edwards

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