Wednesday 13 January 2016

Izzy & Lily's AMAZING blog๐Ÿ˜€๐ŸŒณ

The Happy 2016 everybody! This is the first blog of 2016 and of course it's the best๐Ÿ˜ƒ. We hope you like it.

 In literacy we have been learning about different genres. We have been mainly learning about mystery stories. Also Mr Edwards has been reading us stories from a book called Short. One of the stories is called There's Room For One More and we had to write our own ending for it.

In Miss Bicks maths group we have been learning division in Bus Stop, Long and Froggie Jump.
In Mr Edwards maths group we have been learning about angles. We have studied angles on a triangle and missing angles. Our homework is on a website called My Maths. Maths is fun.๐Ÿ˜ฏ๐Ÿ“‰๐Ÿ“ˆ✏️

In science we have been learning about Evolution and Inhabitence. We have only just started this topic, but it looks like it will be very interesting. We have learned about DNA and how we share it with our family. We had to draw a mix of two people. This is one.

In topic we are doing extreme earth. We made a title page for it which had to have the earth and extreme things around it. Next we did a lesson about extreme weather that have appeared on earth like tornados, tsunami and floods. We found out about lots of different facts about it like the hottest temperature recorded on earth and the coldest.

In art we have been learning about cityscapes. We did 3D artwork by drawing and colouring houses and a hill. 

Then we got a scrap piece of paper and scrunched it up into balls. We stuck the houses to them and then stuck them to the paper. This is Emily's. She was the first person to compleat it.

Big Write
In Big Write we wrote a piece of work about a picture of a creepy tunnel. We had to write the ending because there was already a beginning. 

Our spellings are different words with dashes. We had a start of term spelling test with 70 word and everyone got between 30 and 70. Some words were easier then others.  Only Yousif got full marks, the closest for a girl was 69 which was Ellen's score.

This week was our good learner assembly. We had Mitchell, Samuel and Joseph presenting and Daniel, Benjamin, Issy.M, Cynthia, Maddie, Izzy.P and Hannah.W doing a presentation.There was a presentation on Star Wars movie mistakes, acting and gymnastics. Issy S got good learner this week. Well done Issy.๐Ÿ˜†

We have been learning about a program called Excel in which we can sort data. We are able to sort information, do sums and make graphs. We have only just started this topic but we think it be super fun.

With Mr Edwards we started our new topic, gymnastics. We looked at traveling around. We can not wait to continue.

By Izzy.G๐Ÿท and Lily.J๐Ÿด

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