Tuesday 18 November 2014

Jonathan,Josh and Jason's blog

In willow class we have been writing news reports about the Aztecs finding their new home ,Tenochtitlan. We have been planing it in our literacy books and then writing it on computers this is Emma's Aztec news report plan .
spelling : In spelling we've been Learning about double t-ed and double d-ed.

Art: In Art we are doing Aztecs weaving and it is really fun! There is two of them as an example. You can make on by getting some different coloured wool and get a piece of card board. Then you cut some rig zag patten on the top and bottom. Secondly you get a colour of wool then you start going under and over the string. 

Topic: In topic  we are doing Aztecs and Buddhism , we learned the 8 fold of What Buddhists believe you could do to make people happy in the world.

Science: In science we are learning about solids, liquids and gases. Also we are learning about dissolving and what makes dissolving happen.We also did a test to see how long sugar takes to dissolve, each table had to change the amount of stirs, sugar and temperature. 

Big write: In big write we had to write about a picture of an abandoned park. We also had to use suspense to try and make it scary.

Birthdays: For birthdays we had Will Robinson ,Zaid Kureshi and Flo Raeyen.

Star of the week is Jason Fong.

Writer of the week goes to Francesca Rich for her fantastic Homework she did, which was a acrostic poem. Mr Edwards quoted that it was an outstanding piece of writing with a highly effective choice of language.

Maths:in maths we have been learning about algebra and linear graphs in Mr Edwards' class and long division, using the bus stop method in Miss Bick and Miss Fowler's group . In a linear graph all the recordings are in a strait line we are using it to record phone bills, we are learning how to use algebra to work out which is the best mobile phone contract.

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